Joliet Moveable Bridges
Gonzalez was selected to provided construction inspection services for the improvement of movable bridges in the Joliet area and the bridge office building. This work includes architectural, mechanical, and electrical improvements, along with installation of communications to remotely operate six movable bridges from the newly renovated IDOT Bridge office near the Jackson Street Bridge. The bridges are located at Jackson Street, Cass Street, Jefferson Street, Ruby Street, Brandon Road, and McDonough Street; all of which run over the Des Plaines River. Renovations for the two story bridge office included improvements to the architectural, mechanical, and electrical infrastructure. The building's exterior work included improvements to the existing brick façade, new roofing, improved fire escape, and new windows and doors and special consideration for containment and disposal of lead contaminated paint on the fire escape. The interior was renovated adding three control stations for remote operation of the movable bridges. Mechanical improvements included new HVAC and plumbing. Electrical work included outfitting the building with upgraded lighting, receptacles, a backup generator to ensure a reliable power source, and a SCADA system for remote operation.