Belleville Streetscape
The City of Belleville needed to make improvements in association with IDOT Contract 97677 for a project known as “West Main Streetscape 6th Street to 12th Street”. The City of Belleville desired to have Gonzalez Companies provide certain professional services necessary to inspect, document and coordinate these improvements throughout construction. The project is being federally funded and administered by IDOT, therefore, full documentation of contract quantities were required, as well as inspection and documentation of all materials there were implemented into the improvements.
The project is located within a highly visible area of town containing numerous stakeholders and business important to the City of Belleville and it is a desire of the The City of Belleville that proactive coordination and communication were provided throughout the various stages of work. Gonzalez provided construction inspection for all phases of work. During the course of the regular inspections Gonzalez assisted the City’s staff in providing documentation of contract quantities as required by IDOT. In addition to the documentation of contract quantities, Gonzalez also assisted the City’s staff in providing daily diary entries, RE Weekly Reports, traffic control inspection reports and SWPPP inspection reports, as well as other documentation required by IDOT during construction.
Gonzalez also assisted the City’s staff in maintaining the quantity book, preparation of pay estimates, as well as authorizations of contract changes for signature by The City of Belleville. Gonzalez assisted the City’s staff in review of shop drawings and material submittals for compliance with IDOT standards and the project specifications, as well as assisting in reporting of materials incorporated into the improvements. Gonzalez attended regular progress meetings, coordination with IDOT, as well as provided coordination with local businesses and City as requested by the The City of Belleville.